
Interesting facts

Ella Minnow Pea

There is a thought provoking novel ‘Ella Minnow Pea’, that delves into the theme of language control within a fictional dictatorship. Set in a country where letters are gradually banned, the story unfolds as communication becomes increasingly constrained. It’s a captivating read that explores the adaptability of individuals and how they communicate.


For argument’s sake, I tried to rewrite the paragraph above without using the letter ‘e’. How do you think I did?


This fascinating book digs into a fictitious country living through a dictatorship that gradually bans symbols, constraining communication. It’s a thought provoking story that shows individuals’ and communication’s adaptability.

Interesting facts


Pangrams are sentences that contain all alphabet letters. In French, the phrase “Buvez De Ce Whisky Que Le Patron Juge Fameux” which means “drink some of this whisky which the boss finds excellent” illustrates this. Similarly, the sentence “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” serves as an English pangram.

Interesting facts

The perception of time

Languages around the world offer diverse views of time. An intriguing example of this can be found in the Aymara language. The word for future (qhipuru) means “behind time.” When speakers mention future events, they point over their shoulder, because that’s where the future is, while the past is in front of them. The reason for this makes sense: since we can’t see into the future, but we’ve already experienced the past, we treat the past as something we can easily see, just like what’s in front of us.

Interesting facts

Nahuatl, the Language of the Aztecs 

Nahuatl was the primary language spoken by the Aztecs, an ancient civilization in Mesoamerica. This fascinating language also served as a lingua franca, facilitating communication and trade among diverse cultures in the region before the arrival of Europeans. Even today, Nahuatl continues to be spoken by indigenous communities in Mexico, showcasing its resilience and enduring cultural significance. The survival of Nahuatl through the centuries is a testament to the strong connection between language and heritage, preserving the rich legacy of the Aztec civilization in the hearts and voices of modern-day descendants.

Interesting facts

The language of Toki Pona

Toki Pona is an artificial language developed by Sonja Lang, a Canadian linguist and translator, in 2001. With approximately 120 to 130 words in its lexicon, it is intentionally designed to be uncomplicated and concise. Surprisingly, despite its limited vocabulary, Toki Pona can effectively convey a wide array of thoughts and emotions. Its fundamental words are rooted in universal concepts, allowing individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds to comprehend its essence effortlessly. The language’s simplicity has garnered a dedicated community of speakers who greatly appreciate its refined and effective mode of communication.
Interesting facts

Infusing your creative work with “Meraki”

Ever heard of “Meraki”? It’s a captivating Greek word that embodies the essence of soulful passion and creativity in our work. It encourages us to invest our heart and spirit into what we do, leaving a part of ourselves in every creation. Whether it’s a piece of art, a project, or even a simple task, infusing it with “Meraki” adds a unique personal touch, elevating the outcome to something truly remarkable. As we celebrate the beauty of language, let’s embrace the power of “Meraki” to inspire and connect, reminding us that our work is not just a task but an expression of our authentic selves. 

Interesting facts

The word for “gate-closing panic”

In German, there is a fascinating word called “Torschlusspanik,” which literally translates to “gate-closing panic.” It refers to the fear or anxiety one may experience when they perceive time running out to achieve their life goals or important milestones. This complex emotion captures the sense of urgency and pressure to accomplish certain things before it’s too late.