
Interesting facts

The lucky number 8

In Chinese culture, the number 8 (“bā”) is considered highly auspicious due to its phonetic resemblance to the words for ‘wealth’ or ‘prosperity’ (发 “fa”) in Mandarin. This belief influences various aspects of life, from choosing phone numbers to determining significant event dates. The symbol for the number 8 (八) is embraced as a powerful symbol of good fortune and prosperity.

Interesting facts

Blossom Bliss: Hanami in Japan

Hanami (花見) which translates to “flower viewing” in Japanese, is a traditional custom in Japan that involves appreciating the fleeting beauty of flowers. In this context, the term “flowers” (hana) typically denotes the blossoms of cherry (sakura) trees, and occasionally, plum (ume) trees.

Interesting facts

Te Reo Māori: A Linguistic Tapestry

‘Te Reo Māori’, the language of New Zealand’s indigenous Māori people, is an Eastern Polynesian language and part of the Austronesian family. The language has a rich oral tradition, with traditional stories and legends passed down through generations orally. A beautiful example of the poetic nature of Te Reo Māori is the word “Aotearoa,” meaning “land of the long white cloud,” which eloquently refers to New Zealand in Maori.

Interesting facts

A language on the brink of extinction

Ongota, also known as Birale, is a language spoken by a handful of individuals in Ethiopia’s Lower Omo Valley. Unfortunately, the language has now been largely superseded by Ts’amakko, a neighbouring East Cushitic language and is on the verge of extinction. The language is important for its significance in understanding the cultural heritage of the area, and for that reason it’s important to record it before it disappears.