
Interesting facts

Kuş Dili

Did you know that…

Around the world there are over 50 different languages that use the medium of whistling to communicate.

In Turkey, “kuş dili” is traditionally used by farmers from the northern village of Kuşköy to communicate over large distances by using whistles and melodies to express the Turkish language. Since 1997, the area has celebrated a ‘bird language’ festival, and since 2017, it’s been recognised by UNESCO as a unique example of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Today, the language is in rapid decline because of the ubiquity of cell phones, but local people are trying to keep it alive, and even teaching it in primary schools.

Check out this great TRT video to learn more (or at least to hear more) about Kuş dili here

Interesting facts

Winter Solstice

As December 21st brings the shortest day of the year, cultures around the world mark the Winter Solstice in fascinating ways. 


In Ireland, the ancient site of Newgrange, built over 5,000 years ago, aligns perfectly with the Sun on the day of the solstice. Only on this day, a ray of the rising sun penetrates through an opening and illuminates its inner chamber, thus celebrating the return of light.


In China, ‘Dongzhi’ (冬至) festival (21-23 December)  brings families together to enjoy dumplings, a tradition that symbolises unity, warmth and the promise of longer days ahead.


In Northern Europe, Yule is celebrated by feasting and lighting yule logs, a symbol of hope during winter’s darkest day.

Interesting facts

Etruscan language

The Etruscan language, spoken in ancient Italy, remains largely a mystery. While it influenced Latin, it was eventually replaced by it. 


The Etruscan alphabet, based on the Greek script, is known, but the language itself is not fully understood. Some scholars believe it’s a Pre-Indo European language, related to other ancient languages like Raetic and Lemnian. 


Despite the challenges in understanding it, Estrucan has left a lasting impact, influencing Latin words such as ‘military’ and ‘person’.

Interesting facts

Greek words for Love

Love is a universal language, but it’s expressed in countless ways across cultures. Ancient Greek in particular offered a sophisticated understanding of different types of love:


‘Agápe’ (ἀγάπη) refers to selfless, unconditional love, which is often associated with divine love and love of humanity.


‘Éros’ (ἔρως)  denotes passionate, romantic love, often associated with physical attraction and desire.


‘Philia’ (φιλία) signifies affectionate love, typically between friends or family, and is based on respect and admiration.


Storgē (στοργή) represents familial love, particularly the love between parents and children. 

Interesting facts

December Etymology

Did you know that December once marked the tenth month of the year? Its name comes from the Latin word ‘decem’ (ten), a reminder of the Roman calendar which started in March. January and February were later added, shifting December to the twelfth month – but the name stuck! 

Interesting facts


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the U.S – here are a few ways to say ‘thank you’ in different languages: 

  • Italian: Grazie (Grah-Tsee-Eh)
  • Swahili: Asante (Ah-San-Te)
  • Finnish: Kittos (Kee-Tohs)
  • Mandarin Chinese: Xièxiè (谢谢)(Shyeh-Shyeh)
  •  French: Merci (Mehr – See)
  •  German: Danke (Dahn-kuh)
  • Irish: Go raibh maith agat (Guh Rev Mah Ah-Gut)
  • Arabic: Shukran (شكرًا) (Shook-Rahn)
  • Hindi: Dhanyavaad (धन्यवाद) (Dhun-Yuh-Vaad)
Interesting facts

A Unique Greeting in Tibet

Did you know that in Tibet, sticking your tongue out is a way of greeting? This custom dates back to the 9th century during the reign of the unpopular King Lang Darma, who was known for having a black tongue. 


After his death, people feared he might be reincarnated, so they began showing their tongues as a way of proving they weren’t the king. Over time, this practice evolved into a sign of respect and friendliness. 

Interesting facts

This History of Japan’s Name

The name “Japan” has a fascinating history rooted in its interactions with neighboring cultures and early European explorers. In Japanese, the country is called “Nihon” (日本), which translates to “origin of the sun”, highlighting it’s position east of China. 

The term “Japan” emerged from early trade interactions. The Chinese pronunciation of the characters 日本 was “Cipan”, which Portuguese traders in Southwest Asia heard as “Jipang” or “Japon”. These versions were introduced to Europe in the early 16th century, eventually evolving into the English “Japan”. 

Interesting facts

Dutch words for November

As we settle into mid-November and the days grow colder, the Dutch have some perfect words for this time of year. 🍂

One is ‘uitwaaien’ (pronounced out-vye-en), which means taking a refreshing walk in the wind to clear your mind. Another is ‘gezellig’ (pronounced heh-zell-ikh), capturing the warm, cosy feeling of being indoors with friends and family. 

Interesting facts

Shichi-Go-San (七五三) Festival

Shichi-Go-San (七五三), is a traditional Japanese festival celebrated on November 15th each year. It’s a coming of age celebration for children aged three, five, and seven, as these ages are considered significant milestones in a child’s growth. During the festival children are dressed in traditional kimonos and taken to Shinto shrines, where prayers are offered for their health and well-being.