The word “Fernweh” emerges from the fusion of two German words, ‘fern’, denoting ‘far’, ‘distant’, and ‘weh’ translating to ‘sore’ or ‘pained’. It describes the inexplicable longing for places yet unexplored.

The word “Fernweh” emerges from the fusion of two German words, ‘fern’, denoting ‘far’, ‘distant’, and ‘weh’ translating to ‘sore’ or ‘pained’. It describes the inexplicable longing for places yet unexplored.
“Cafuné” is a term of Brazilian Portuguese origin that describes the tender act of running one’s fingers through the hair of a loved one.
“Mångata” is a Swedish word that poetically describes the reflection of moonlight on the ocean’s surface. It is a combination of the words “mån” (moon) and “gata” (road), almost as if it were a road to the moon. 🌕
In Swedish there exists a beautiful word – ‘Gökotta’. This word describes the act of waking up early to experience the first bird song outside in nature.
”L’esprit de l’escalier” is a French term that refers to the universal phenomenon of thinking of a clever response or comeback too late, usually after a conversation or argument has already ended.
The term literally means “the spirit of the stairs”, as it would typically happen between neighbours bumping into each other in the stairwell of their Paris apartment block.
Can you remember an occasion in which you had the perfect comeback too late?